Sunday, August 21, 2011

Natural Dog Flea Treatment

Fleas are a significant concern that every dog owner eventually has to deal with. Everyone who has a dog has most likely have faced the unpleasant battle of having to get rid of dog fleas, a battle that has frequently proved to be more trying than it looks.

Rid Your Pet of Fleas with a Natural Dog Flea Treatment!
Click here to go directly to the natural treatments for dog fleas

Fleas aren't just a bother because they bother and precipitate hours of frustrating scratching for the dog, but they may also trigger additional dangerous issues like tapeworm infestations, flea allergies, dog hot spots and in critical situations, anemia.

As a result of their amazing hardiness, it can prove to be very challenging to come up with a plan on how to get rid of fleas on dogs. A female flea can lay in excess of 2,000 eggs over the span of her life, this implies that an infection may happen suddenly and the eggs that she laid might last for several months in the natural environment while merely waiting on an acceptable host. That's why it is important to eliminate both the fleas on the dog and the fleas residing in the dog's living space. The perfect spots to find fleas are carpeting, rugs, bed linens and sand.

How to Exterminate Fleas

In order to successfully exterminate fleas on your canine and in his surroundings, it is basic to comprehend the lifecycle of the flea. There are 4 stages which makeup the life span of the flea. Akin to nearly all insects, the fleas originates from the egg stage, transforms into larva, then advances into the pupa phase until finally reaching the adult stage.

The Egg Stage of the Flea

The fleas eggs are ashen in color and are so small that they are tough to see without the help of a magnifying glass. Although the eggs are initially laid on the pet's skin, a lot will with time drop onto the ground to carry on their expedition to an adult. Close to half of the total flea count consists of eggs. Dependant upon the living conditions, the eggs hatch in anywhere from two to four weeks. The greater the warmth and dampness in the environment, the earlier the eggs will hatch.

The Larva Stage of the Flea

As soon as the flea egg hatches, it enters the larva phase where it flourishes to approximately 1/4 inch long. The flea larva subsist on natural waste materials and in the feces of the adult flea. They do not like intense lighting and have a tendency to go underground deep within their present environment, preferably in a balmy and moist area. Climate controlled houses are the idyllic location for the flea life cycle to thrive. Outside, larvae development will only happen in damp, sheltered locations.

The Pupae Stage of the Flea

When moving into the pupa stage, the flea pupae stem a silken and sticky protecting chrysalis. The shell rapidly configures a valuable hiding place as it gets covered by waste and soil. If stimulated by high temperature, carbon dioxide or by physical pressure, such as in a balmy and damp location, an adult flea might surface from its cocoon in as quickly as 5 to 10 days. Once the adult flea surfaces from the cocoon, it could live for just a few days unless it is able to find a host. Pre-emerged adult fleas may continue to exist inside the cocoon for up to 9 months. This is pertinent because adult fleas that still survive within the cocoon are resistant to flea pesitcides applied to the environment and can appear a considerable time after you use insecticides in your residence.

The Adulthood Stage of the Flea

As soon as the adult flea emerges from the chrysalis, it will want to rapidly get a host because it requires blood in order to live on. Two days after obtaining a suitable host, the female flea will begin laying roughly forty eggs every day. Adult fleas usually live as long as three weeks. The complete life cycle of a flea may possibly be finished in as little as 2 to 4 weeks, or as long as ten months conditional to its surrounding climatic conditions.

Natural Dog Flea Treatment on Your Pet

There are countless shampoos, powders, sprays and spot on preparations offered to free your pet of fleas. Be sure to confer with a vet to choose the most efficient and reliable natural dog flea treatment for your house and pets.

Natural Dog Flea Treatment for Indoor Areas

The majority of flea products are merely effective against the adult flea, but environmental insecticides are becoming more highly developed. Your veterinarian can give you with flea products having insect growth regulators which will help eradicate the flea eggs and larvae. Prior to the use of environmental flea pesticides, you should vacuum the carpeting and rugs to entice the pre-adult fleas to surface from their protective cocoon. Be sure to throw out the vacuum bag following its use. You ought to also clean the bedding the dog has lied on.

Natural Dog Flea Treatment for Outdoor Areas

Concentrate on dark, sheltered regions. Use an insecticide consisting of an insect growth regulator and repeat every two to three weeks for 3 to 5 treatments.

The newer skin and oral flea deterrents should significantly help you resolve any flea problems. With dedication and patience, you and your best friend will be free of fleas in a flash!

Additional Tips and Advice